An interactive wellness and routine app
An app designed to help users keep a routine by staying active and
mentally healthy while stuck in quarantine.
An app designed to help users keep a routine by staying active and
mentally healthy while stuck in quarantine.

Areas of focus:
Motivation, mental health support and resources, diet, workouts & scheduling.
Educating users to maintain a routine and be active at home.
How keeping an active schedule can aid in better mental health.
Personalized workout and routines you can do at home with limited equipment.
Educating users to maintain a routine and be active at home.
How keeping an active schedule can aid in better mental health.
Personalized workout and routines you can do at home with limited equipment.

Login & Info
Create a personalized app experience for individuals working from home
or in quarantine. Users will input personal info about their lifestyle,
what gym equipment is available at home, and their diets.
or in quarantine. Users will input personal info about their lifestyle,
what gym equipment is available at home, and their diets.

Login & Info
They can adjust and customize how many notifications prompts they need to
stay motivated, the time duration of how long their workouts should be,
schedule their daily activities with other users, monitor motivation
levels with a (sliding scale and chart what influences their motivation.
stay motivated, the time duration of how long their workouts should be,
schedule their daily activities with other users, monitor motivation
levels with a (sliding scale and chart what influences their motivation.

A personalized daily visual schedule using routine cards.
Wellness, diet and activity checklist with routine cards.
Keep users motivated and encouraged by maintaining focus,
functionality and fun throughout quarantine.
functionality and fun throughout quarantine.

Activity Example
An example provided to demonstrate what a workout or activity will look like.
It will be tailored to what the user fills out on the questionnaire.

Community Page
Schedule video calls and hangouts: workout, wellness check, games night,
activity prompts, motivation, etc.
activity prompts, motivation, etc.
Motivators can join in on other users workouts and give advice for their
weekly schedule and routines..
weekly schedule and routines..

Routine Overview Page
Users can set up to graph or chart their motivation levels over the week.
Their routine data can be charted based off of their interactions
within the three categories : Professional support, social motivators
and their schedule engagement. This added feature to the app will let users
see the results and keep on track with a Roo Routine.
Their routine data can be charted based off of their interactions
within the three categories : Professional support, social motivators
and their schedule engagement. This added feature to the app will let users
see the results and keep on track with a Roo Routine.

Notifications can be adjusted by messaging, time and frequency.
Users can also have their motivators or community support set as their notifications.